Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Last NIght, September 7

Last night, my husband Rob and I came home from Reno and needed a quick dinner. We had been to the grocery store Trader Joe's before we made the drive and we bought their really great salmon burgers. By the time we hit the house the burgers were almost thawed and had to be used. There are five burgers in a package so we cooked all five on an enameled grill pan. Just three minutes per side.

We had no hamburger buns, but we did have some great sour dough bread from the Truckee River Sourdough Company. Rob cut up the bread, we put some wonderful dijon mustard on the bread. Both sides is best. I sliced a nice bit of manchego cheese. This is probably one of the best cheeses you will ever run across and if you go to Spain you must try it.

I took an onion from the garden, sliced it thin, two green peppers that were starting to turn red and a small tomato from the garden and diced it. I sauted it in some olive oil until the onions were translucent and the peppers soft.

We put that atop the Salmon burgers and topped the whole thing with one of those great slices of Manchego. On went the sour dough bread and we were feasting like kings. The whole thing took probably 15 minutes. Don't forget there were three Salmon burgers left over for tonite.

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