Thursday, September 10, 2009

Late, Late Night Supper

It was late last night when we had dinner. Really late, 11:00 pm late. We don't normally eat so late, but after about a gazillion meetings and nonsense it was 11:00. I hate eating that late, so I tried to make something light. Pasta agliolio. I guess that's how you spell it. Take some angel hair pasta and boil it in water with some olive oil and some salt. When it's done, run it under cold water, put it back in the pan with somemore olive oil and some chopped garlic. Whatever amount your heart desires. Now, to Rob's pasta I added sun dried tomatoes. He like them, I can take or leave them, and some pecorino romano cheese. Only pecorino romano. Parmesan is okay, but pecorino romano is fantastico. To mine, just the romano. what a fine dinner. Light, easy and not too unhealthy.

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